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Drone project
Managing a project is not easy and it means working under pressure against a deadline. You must be aware of all the stages, the members...
Federico: Creativity is the key for productivity
Federico decided that he wanted to consolidate his skills of solid modelling design and print his own project. Working against the...
Lorenzo: Languages are essential because Mechatronics is one of the most discussed and shared topics
Lorenzo is a Mechatronics student who chose to go to England to improve his technical knowledge and English . Just as his workmates, he...
One morning building a drone
The bus X6 arrives to its stop at 8:30, there are seven boys from different parts of the world who take it each morning to go to a small...
Thomas: In electronics even the slightest change can make a difference
Thomas is in his last year of Mechatronics studies. His goals are to challenge himself, improve his English and continue learning in a...
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