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Lorenzo: Languages are essential because Mechatronics is one of the most discussed and shared topics

Lorenzo is a Mechatronics student who chose to go to England to improve his technical knowledge and English . Just as his workmates, he decided to challenged himself going out of his comfort zone.

Why did you choose to go to England?

I choose English for multiple reasons. Languages in general are essential in Mechatronics as it is one of the most discussed and shared topics. When it comes to collaborate or work with other companies that can be from other countries, English is usually designated as the communication language. It is also important for learning new vocabulary as plenty of technical books or files in English are easy to be found.

Do you think that the English and Italian teaching methods differ?

The Italian system consists in theoretical lessons in which the teachers describe final results which make it easier the whole process behind. The English approach is more autonomous as students have to learn on their own, Proactive lessons take the place of passive lessons. Moreover, the English method promotes better communication between the teacher and the students as the interaction is easier in a working environment.

What did you enjoy the most?

Definitely the creative atmosphere. We were all collaborating in order to achieve the same goal and we had a really good vibes environment. In school it's difficult to find involved people as often people don't want to collaborate or work at all. Here we all chose the project so we are more than willing to learn and work.

So you have liked working in a team...

Yes, mostly. The only disadvantage I can think of is that everyone has its own ideas about how solving a problem or own methods to deal with certain situations so you have to spent time in finding common terms. However, working in a team has also a lot of advantages such as the possibility of dividing tasks or interacting with people with different knowledge so you can learn from them and work faster and better.

What is the most important thing that you have learnt?

I have improved a lot as a person as I've been talking more to improve the language and having in general a more active attitude. I have also learnt to not stress a lot if something doesn't work out as now I consider fail an important part of the learning process and of life as nothing always goes in the planned way.

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